WWRmod 2021
WRRmod 2021

PROSE is active at the virtual 7th IWA Water Resource Recovery Modelling Seminar (WRRmod 2021) (20-25 August 2021)

WWRmod: Water Resource Recovery Modelling Seminar

Participation to the Young Water Professionals Workshop and presentation of results on carbon footprint minimization in biofiltration plants

  • "N2O emission assessment and mitigation in full-scale biofilm reactors" by Ahlem Filali

Co-organization of a Workshop on the plant-wide modelling

  • Plant-wide modelling: challenges with real data and bottlenecks at full-scale water resource recovery facilities

Sylvie Gillot*, Ahlem Filali*, Paloma Grau** (moderators)

* INRAE, sylvie.gillot@inrae.fr; ahlem.filali@inrae.fr 
** CEIT, pgrau@tecnun.es 

Keywords: Plant-wide models, side-streams characterisation, nutrient recovery, data management

Presentation of a collaborative work with TBI and SIAAP on the evaluation of N2O emission mitigation strategies 

  • Model-based evaluation of strategies to mitigate N2O emissions from a full-scale nitrifying biofilm reactor

B. González Vázquez*, A. Filali**, J. Bernier***, V. Rocher***, S. Gillot****, M. Spérandio*

* TBI, Université de Toulouse, INSA, 135 av Rangueil, 31077 Toulouse, France
** Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, PROSE, 92761 Antony, France
*** SIAAP, Direction Innovation, 82 avenue Kléber, 92700 Colombes, France
**** INRAE, UR REVERSAAL, F-69625 Villeurbanne, France

Keywords: Biofilm, control, full-scale, greenhouse gas, nitrogen, mitigation.

Publication date: 24 August 2021 | By: PROSE