Analytical lab

Analytical lab

Head of the analytical lab: Olivier Chapleur

The analytical lab gathers the skills of seven specialists (engineers and technical staff) in different analytical methodologies, in particular analytical chemistry, microbiology and molecular biology, bioinformatics and biostatistics.

  • Chrystelle BUREAU - Molecular microbiology, In charge of the molecular microbiology lab
  • Alice DANEL - Analytical chemistry
  • Nadine DERLET - Analytical chemistry
  • Angéline GUENNE - Analytical chemistry, in charge of the analytical chemistry lab
  • Véronique JAMILLOUX- Biostatistics
  • Cédric MIDOUX - Bioinformatics
  • Sophie THIBAULT - Molecular biology

The analytical lab analyses samples and data produced during the experiments. It contributes to the development of new methods and to their evolution and it is associated to the different research projects of the team. The analytical lab facilities include an analytical chemistry laboratory and a molecular microbiology laboratory with cutting-edge equipments (high-resolution mass spectrometers, isotope mass spectrometer, confocal laser scanning microscope, latest generation sequencers...) as well as computing resources for bioinformatics and biostatistics.

Modification date: 02 April 2024 | Publication date: 28 April 2020 | By: PROSE